
來自 Bender 的通訊解決方案允許設備快速交換資訊,以及透過 Web 伺服器檢索數據和系統狀態。可以一目了然地監控整個安裝。通過可視化處理數據,可以更輕鬆地識別趨勢。 通常,無法通過單個測量點對安裝進行適當的監控。需要幾個測量點,這些測量點必須根據系統結構進行調整。確認内部閘道器無縫連接、狀態監控以及評估軟體的數據處理。
The communication solutions from Bender allow rapid information exchange of the devices as well as retrieving data and the system status via the web server. In this way, the entire installation can be monitored at a glance. Visual processing of the data makes it easier to identify trends.
Frequently, installations cannot be monitored appropriately with one single measuring point. Several measuring points are required, which have to be adjusted to the system structure. Gateways ensure seamless interconnection, condition monitoring as well as processing of the data for the evaluation software.